In the Whistler market, the benchmark sale price was $1,705,000 with an average days on market of 103 days for detached homes. At the end of the month, there were 6 sales and 86 active listings.
In comparison, the condo market had 17 sales and 99 active listings. The benchmark sale price was $506,000 and the average days on market were 39.
Townhome featured 8 sales, 65 active listings and a $872,400 benchmark sale price with 43 days on market average.
It’s a buyer’s market for homes and townhomes.
This report shows benchmark prices for properties in Whistler, based on MLS statistics. The HPI benchmarks represent the price of a typical property within the market. It takes into consideration what averages and medians do not – items such as lot size, age, number of rooms, etc. These features become the composite of the ‘typical house’ in a given area. Each month’s sales determine the current prices paid for bedrooms, bathrooms, fireplaces, etc. and apply those new values to the ‘typical’ house model.
If you would like to learn more about benchmark prices, follow this link for some great information.